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Quality Assurance In Research – Ethics And Science

CAIRO, MAY 26TH – 27TH, 2013​

Quality Assurance plays a very important role not only in the higher education landscape in general but also in the national and international research community. For universities to play a recognizable role in the international arena, its researchers too have to compete and collaborate with counterparts in other universities, research institutions or companies. It is the role of quality assurance and assessment to make sure that a joint understanding of respective methodologies and standards exists.
The DIES/ANQAHE-Seminar “Quality Assurance in Research – Ethics and Science” pursues a twofold objective: Firstly, to discuss the underlying question what quality assurance actually implies in the field of research. Secondly, how respective structures and procedures can be set up, implemented and monitored.

Quality Assurance In Research – Ethics And Science